ONLINE Intro Conscious Parents, Conscious Kids ENGLISH, SLOVENIAN

Datum / čas
18.00 - 21.00

Intro – Conscious Parents, Conscious Kids in ENGLISH with psychologist Mgr. et Mgr. Umay Yamuna Wolf, CF

Translated into Slovenian, possible to other languages


Uvodna delavnica Zavestni starši, zavestni otroci
bo potekala preko spleta dne 14. april 2020 ob 18h, iz udobja doma.

Trajanje: 18h – 21h
Cena: 60,00 eur

Vam gredo otroci ali neznanci na živce?
Ali ravnate s svojimi otroki tako kot so vaši starši ravnali z vami?
Imate obžalovanje kot starš?
Ne morete upravljati pubertete svojega otroka?
Ali sovražite otroke svojega partnerja?
Ali si želite lahkotnejšega starševstva in vzgoje vaših otrok?

Ta večer boste prejeli ogromno orodij Access Consciousnessa, čistilnih izrekov in facilitacije vaših tem in težav z starševstvom.

Vsa vprašanja so dobrodošla.

Veselim se vas.

Mgr. et Mgr. Umay Yamuna Wolf, CF, CPCK – Intro, CFMW, SIYI, AHP, AFF, BF, BPF

Registracija in dodatne informacije:

Intro evening on Conscious parents, conscious kids online will be on April 14, 2020.

Price: 75,00 EUR (100%), for your country you pay 80% (60 eur)
Time: 6-9 pm

Are your children or strangers getting on your nerves?
Do you treat your children like your parents did treat you?
Do you have remorse as a parent?
Can’t you manage your child’s puberty?
Do you hate your partner’s children?

Do you desire to have more ease with parenting and raising your children?

So for you this evening is full of tools of Access Consciousness, clearing and facilitating your topics and problems with parenting.
All questions are welcome.

I look forward to you
Mgr. et Mgr. Umay Yamuna Wolf, CF, CPCK – Intro, CFMW, SIYI, AHP, AFF, BF, BPF

Registration and information about event: